Phone book with question markAs a web designer, clients occasionally ask me if a DexKnows or Yellow Pages ad should be part of their business adverting plan. Most of the time, clients can actually answer this question for themselves by considering the following:

Have you gotten any phone calls from your Yellow Pages/DexKnows listing?

“Well no, but…”

It is a bit confusing. The digital business age is still relatively new. The majority of us grew up and have done business in a time where you used a phone book to find a business that you called using a landline phone. It seems hard to believe that something that was a staple of our society for so many years could truly be a thing of the past.

The truth is that these listings are not cheap and they probably aren’t yielding you any business calls. It just doesn’t make sense to spend money when you are not seeing the return.

Today’s consumers use Google and the web to find businesses, services, and products. That’s why the very best investment you can make for your business is a website that is:

  1. Properly optimized for Google
  2. Professional
  3. Attractive
  4. Clearly states the purpose of your business

Consumers tend to put their trust in search results that come up organically rather than paid listings. That means sponsored listings that come at the top of the search results list are generally ignored. It is best to put your money and energy in developing a site that is designed to rank high in a Google search. It’s just smart business.

Top quality professionally designed websites are essential tools for success for today’s businesses much like the high quality phone book ad of the past.

Isn’t it time to make the investment in your website?

For assistance in creating high quality, professional, Google optimized websites, please feel free to contact Boise based Simple CMS Design where we specialize in working with our customers to create the site that works best for their businesses.

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