What Font is Right for my Website?

web-fontsWhen designing your website, font selection is a critical selection. You carefully select text on your site to describe your business to customers. What you might not have considered is that the font style you choose conveys an unspoken message about your company as well. It’s probably pretty straightforward to say that if you have a more “serious” business, you will want to stick with a conventional font. Conversely, if your business is more artsy or whimsical, you might want to choose a more non-traditional font to attract customers.

Most people have an intuitive sense of the right font for their website. But there is still more to consider with font and web design.

Read more: What Font is Right for my Website?

Should I use a Free Website Builder?

Examples of Free Websites

When researching options for building your business website, you might be surprised by all the choices available. You could learn how to build a site on your own, hire a professional web developer, or use one of the numerous “easy website builder” tools available on the web.

The bottom line for business owners tends to be balancing budget needs verses site functionality and performance. How much money do you have to spend to get a site up and running? How complex do you need your site to be to meet the needs of your business?

Read more: Should I use a Free Website Builder?

Why Your Website Must Have High Quality Images

Eye Catching Web GraphicsIn website design, a lot of time and energy is spent on the functionality of the site. You want to make sure that the pages are properly linking to each other, search engine optimization is top notch, and that your written content is well written and grammatically correct. These are characteristics of high quality sites and certainly very important.

But do you know what humans are wired to notice first on your site?

The images.

Read more: Why Your Website Must Have High Quality Images

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